Religious Education
Religious Education Intent
At Manor Infant School we are inquisitive learners. We believe that religious education contributes dynamically to children’s education by provoking challenging questions and creating opportunities for celebration of difference, and encouraging tolerance, resilience and mutual respect which reflect the British Values.
Every child will access opportunities to learn about and understand racism and bigotry, the forms they take, how such beliefs are formed and how to challenge them.
In RE we intend children to learn about religions and world views in global, national and local contexts. Outside speakers will visit school to share knowledge and experiences of different religions, cultures and ways of life, enabling children to discover, explore and gain a sense of pride in the community in which they live.
Through the Living Difference syllabus, children will be taught the skills needed to communicate, inquire, apply, evaluate and contextualise in order to understand and interpret texts, sources and other evidence. They will learn to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ.
Parents/Carers may request to take their children out / withdraw / opt out of RE lessons. Please speak to the class teacher