Head’s Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers
My name is Mrs Castle and on behalf of the children, staff, and governors I would like to warmly welcome you to Manor Infant School and Nursery. Together we will work together to ensure the next few years for you and your child are exciting learning journey. We will celebrate successes, ensuring your child’s time with us is treasured and remembered.
We are very proud of our school and the ethos that we maintain through our values, respectful, happy, resilient. All our staff, governors, parents and local community are committed to making this first experience of school life reflect these.
We are a good school and nursery, growing from strength to strength as we strive for excellence. We believe every lesson and day counts.
Your child will feel valued, happy and safe in our exciting learning environment, becoming curious about the world, caring for our environment and surrounded by opportunities to learn.
Our carefully planned curriculum, gives a clear context for learning, making links whilst building knowledge and skills, enabling our children to discover how to be learners for life. Our curriculum ensures the children develop their curiousity about the wider world. Educational visits, visitors and exploring our local community will further enthuse your child to develop a thirst to find out more!
Caring staff, with a wealth of experience, plan closely as a team to ensure your child is taught to succeed and make good progress in the three essential key skills to unlock learning: reading, writing and mathematics.
We want the children to leave us as confident individuals with an ongoing passion for learning that will be with them the rest of their lives.
You will be an essential part of your child’s learning. Through developing a strong partnership with you we will ensure that your child's time at Manor will be full of discovery. I look forward to getting to know you and your child on our journey together.
With best wishes
Helen Castle
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for.
Thank you for visiting!
If you need any further information or would like to arrange a visit to our school please contact the school office on 02392820548
Paper copies of any information on this website are available on request from the school office
Manor Infant and Nursery School
Inverness Road