PSHE Intent
Through the PSHE curriculum we intend to equip children with the essential knowledge and skills needed to become happy, respectful future citizens in a world that, whilst providing many exciting opportunities, also poses many challenges and risks.
We intend that all children become healthy, active, independent and responsible, understanding how they are developing socially and morally. Children will celebrate differences and diversity so that we have an inclusive community. Children will know how to confidently tackle difficult situations and situations where they find things hard. They will develop their resilience, self-evaluate and be armed with strategies to use in these situations.
We will ensure children are given strategies and opportunities to ensure they have good mental health. It has been proven that there is a direct link between good mental health and academic ability.
Through their learning children will grow in confidence and develop aspirations for their future life, having an understanding of the difference their choices and actions can make as a good global citizen.