Nursery Enquiry Form
Getting Started
2 year old funding
If your child is two years old and you’re in receipt of certain benefits or are a working family on a low income you may be entitled to some free childcare. If you receive a place, your child can start their free childcare the term after their 2nd birthday. Funding will continue until your child becomes eligible for free early education the term after their third birthday. If eligible, your child will receive up to 15 hours of childcare per week, for up to 38 weeks of the year.
3 and 4 year old entitlement funding
The term after a child’s third birthday they become eligible to the government free entitlement funding. This funding pays for up to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year. It will run for the allocated number of weeks per term. All children entitled to this funding will receive a letter each term outlining the dates funding is available. These times are allocated as either morning or afternoon sessions.
5 x 8:30 am - 11:30 am or 5 x 12:15pm - 3:15pm or a combination to make up full days.
Your child may also be eligible for 30 hours of free childcare as there is an additional 15 hours available for families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone-parent family), and each parent earns the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the national minimum or living wage, and earns less than £100,000 a year. Please ask for more information.
If you are not eligible for the free childcare or you would like additional sessions, each session will cost £16.50 and this fee will be reviewed twice a year.
Payment is made to Portsmouth City Council and invoices are issued by the nursery.
If a place is not available immediately, there is a waiting list. The minimum amount of sessions is 2. If you wish to withdraw your child from Nursery, four weeks’ notice is required in writing. There will be no refunds if your child does not attend the nursery.