Aims and Objectives
- To provide 40 places for Nursery aged children, aged from 2 years to 3 years and 30 places in the pre-school for children aged from 3 to 4 years.
- To be a provider for the local community.
- To develop the whole child through providing a stimulating and accessible learning environment which is carefully planned to meet the needs and interests of all children.
- To work closely in partnership with parents, families, staff and children involving a ‘two-way’ communication to support the children’s well-being and learning.
- To provide interest led activities following the EYFS requirements and principles, through rich experiences, play and sensory activities.
- To ensure a smooth transition to infant school by providing a fun, early years’ curriculum which children thrive to learn.
Working closely with families
We strive to ensure that the ‘home-learning’ environment is supported by practitioners who encourage parents to understand early learning and to extend opportunities at home.
At Manor nursery and pre-school we value the fact that you know your child better than anyone. We provide every opportunity for families to be involved in their child’s learning and nursery experience through;
- Initial home visits
- Meeting and greeting at drop off and pick up times.
- Every half term your child will be a Focus Childand at the end of the week we will share your child’s next steps from Nursery/pre-school .
- WOW moments recognised at home and brought in to share with staff and the other children.
- Sharing our end of half-term highlights with parents/carers in nursery/preschool
- Regular newsletters